We are all getting used to working remotely but it does still feel strange for Karen and me to be running Onyourbed using headphones and computers and not getting together to walk our family dogs (the OYB testing team) or chat over new ideas for the business with a coffee. As well as being business partners we are great friends and we are thinking of all of you who are not only missing meeting up with friends at the moment but also the camaraderie and fun of working together. We look forward to normal times. In the meantime, here is a remote blog with a few shared moments and thoughts….
Shared moment - recently my two daughters and I found ourselves sharing 2 pairs of wellies, not ideal for the very rural life we live here in East Sussex. On a recent walk with the family and our three dogs I had to be piggy-backed by my son (a first for both of us) over a deep, fast running stream because the bridge had broken and my trusty walking boots could not cope. Not for the first time I thought how useful it would be to have four legs! Following this experience the No.1 job on my to do list was to buy a new pair of wellies. They are fantastic - super comfortable, very warm and do exactly as promised. They were not an economical purchase but this led me to reflect how fantastic it is when a product is beautifully made and does exactly what it is supposed to do - how much easier life is! The old saying “no such thing as bad weather just the wrong kit” comes to mind so there you are, beat the mud the with the right dog bed!
Mud, mud glorious mud! It certainly isn’t glorious for dog owners more like a daily nightmare! We will be able to grow water lilies in our flower borders in Sussex before long! Relax - help is at hand, we are here to help make winter muddy months with your dogs easier. This winter our top recommendation for making life easier with dogs is our new Waterproof Dog Bed - an essential for the boot of your car or just for your dogs to dry off on at home after a long muddy walk and a wash. The mud will just hose off when you want to clean it or it can be popped in the washing machine.
Helping you to enjoy your muddy dogs!
Best wishes from us both
Karen & Sue 🐾